
Dreamland Metaverse offers Vivox Voice
Dreamland Metaverse is happy to announce, that with the new year we offer Vivox voice as an option for our customers. New and existing customers can request Vivox voice for their OpenSim regions and grids. There are no additional costs for our customers using this basic Vivox voice option.
Features supported by Vivox voice:

Grid Integration - Overview
We provide the following tools and management interfaces, that allow grid owners to integrate their grid with their OpenSim grid web site and backoffice systems:

Grid Integration - Grid Map
We provide an interface that allows you to display the grid map of your OpenSim grid. Simply open this web page:<grid name>
Example grid map:

Ruth and Cloud Avatars
Depending on the viewer you use, avatars with an incomplete or a damaged appearance are shown as Ruth avatar (default female avatar) or as cloud. Newer viewers show a cloud, while older viewers show a Ruth avatar in such cases.
This article describes what you can do to fix the appearance of an avatar, so that is shown properly again.

How to Optimize Performance?
Kinds of Performance Issues
When using OpenSim you might experience the following three kinds of performance issues, causing so called lag:

Why we use Dedicated Servers?
Virtualization Technologies
When you have a look at other OpenSim hosting providers, you probably recognize, that most use Virtual Private Servers (VPS) or Cloud Hosting Services as basis for their offers. Some providers even do not mention what kind of hosting they base on, where you can expect that they use some cheap VPS for OpenSim.

Disable Accept Vivox License Viewer Message
If you experience that your viewer asks you to accept the Vivox license agreement and if the Accept button is grayed out, do the following:

Restricting Grid Contents and Grid Access
Restricting grid contents and grid access is a topic mostly interesting for professional OpenSim users, like for corporate or e-learning virtual world solutions. Until now, such grids or standalone regions most often were completely closed worlds, to protect the contents and to avoid unwanted visitors from outside.

Frequently Asked Questions
Please have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions section on this web site.
It contains many interesting articles, advices and 'how to' descriptions.